New Features
- On-request transfers - give you the ability to define the price per km or miles. You can enable this feature in the website settings (Enable On Request Transfers:) and after that it will be visible in the admin panel, next to tabs for bookings, command builders, custom fields, etc.
- SMS Approval - Ability for a manager to approve/reject a trip directly from SMS (contact sales)
Image 1. SMS for approval received and replied
- SMS Notifications - Ability to send SMS notifications to travelers (contact sales)
- CMS Website - The CMS is used for quick creation of the Landing Page which can be used as a substitute for a Website.
- Approval flow - Ability for traveler to choose managers on all levels. For situations where you have multiple approval managers on all levels, now you can preselect them on all levels.
Image 2. Allow employees to choose their approval manager on all levels
- Approval flow - Notify all managers of the reservation that has been made so that everyone can approve a trip
Image 3. Allow employees to send booking notifications to all first level approval managers
- NDC Singapore
- Ability to book NDC offers
- to service the existing NDC orders
- to add ancillary services for existing orders (e.g. seats, bags ...)
- NDC Emirates - Servicing
- Ability service the existing NDC orders
- to add ancillary services for existing NDC orders (e.g. seats, bags ...)
- NDC Qatar (In Progress)
- NDC United (In Progress)
- Nights bridge Allowances - We added for the hotel provider NightsBridge the ability to add allowances in the Hotel travel settings per pax. During the reservation process in the shopping cart traveller/coordinator will be able to put an amount for a specific allowance.
- Command Builder - New Variables
- COMMAND_INDEX - command sequence number
- CAR_VENDOR - car vendor name
- CO2_CALCULATION - CO2 calculation
- AIR_FARE_FAMILY_NAME - Air fare family name
- AIRLINE_BOOKING_REFERENCE - Airline Booking Reference
- AIR_REFUNDED_AMOUNT - Air Refunded Amount
- HOTEL_PROVIDER - Hotel provider
- IS_AIR_REFUNDED - Is Air Refunded (True or False)
- IS_AIR_TICKETED - Is Air Ticketed (True or False)
- AIR_BASE_PRICE_AND_TAX - Air base fare + tax
- AIR_BASE_PRICE_FROM_ITINERARY_AND_TAX - Air Base Fare From Itinerary + Tax
- HOTEL_BASE_RATE_AND_TAX - Hotel Base Rate + Tax
- Added variables in the Command Builder for all Direct Airlines that we have
- Manual Markup / Variable Fee- We changed the name for this feature and from now you can find it in the website settings under the name Variable fae. Also from now on the report Variable fare will have a separate column, and it will not be calculated with other markups.
- Phone country code max number of digits - We have changed the max number of digits for the phone country code in the employee profile field and in the shopping cart, because the French market has a county code with 4 digits, and our system was previously settled to be a maximum of 3.
- Markups Module - Ability to set and inherit markups from parent website to affiliate
- BA NDC penalty information - We add information about the penalty amount for cancelation or modification of the booking
- FlySafair - Fare family description improvements
- Multiple corporate codes for Emirates NDC - From now there is the possibility to add multiple corporate codes in the website settings for the NDC Emirates divided with coma
- BA NDC Added the ability to reprice the TST - we allowed repricing when the price expires. From now if the price expires it will be displayed a popup with information about new price
- Added Russian Language - Added Russian language to our system
- NDC Emirates short ticket number - For the reservation created as booked on hold, we have setup to have 13-digit numbers.
- Travelport - Added enhancements for car module
- NDC Lufthansa
- Ability to search for open jaw flights
- If the agency GDS miscellaneous segment to be created when TBO hotel is booked. Include information such as check-in date, check-out and hotel name into the GDS miscellaneous segment
- Sabre
- Insert travel coordinator's email address into Sabre PNR
- Payment gateway exceptions enhancements - added ability to configure payment gateway exceptions for GDS providers
- Fixed the outdated airport names
- Split title from First Name for Travelport
- Emirates NDC infant ticket number
- Room Search does not work if Google Maps is disabled in Hotel Travel Settings
- On request car through the widget
- Saving profile without approval flow
- Added PNR into cancellation email subject
- Do not send cancellation emails if Travel Notifications are disabled
- Ability to add Payment Gateway exception for both air and hotel for the same provider (e.g. Travelport)